
According to Google, tips of reducing belly fat are one of the most common searches that
one in a five is associated with. Belly fat is one of the most worried issues that has been
haunting the civilization and the entire mankind from ages. Especially today in India
with a decent number of people involved in taking junk and spicy food all day long is
really a burning issue. Today we will be looking at some of the best diet plans that can
help us reduce our belly fat in no time, but the most important aspect here is that it must
be maintained on a regular basis in association with exercise and leading healthy lifestyle.

Choosing a complete food plan

A complete food plan involves a proper and a balanced food plan that will reign from
breast fast till lunch. It must consist of a balanced diet plan which will involve a proper
measurement of all in it including carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fats, fibers along
with a proper proportion of mineral consumption as well. A healthy diet will always help
to reduce fat pretty easily. The belly fat reduction program would definitely have each
and everything in it without skipping the minutes of food ingredients but in a composed
Hereby given is a sample planned diet in order to reduce belly fat easily.


The breakfast must always start with an omelet made with three egg whites and filled
with 75gm chopped peppers and spinach. Occasionally it should be accompanied by
banana and green tea along with oats and veggies. Enough of orange juice can really
tone things up with toast and cheese to perfectly match, though this can be mix and match
on alternate days according to taste. A roundabout 600 calories are the best to go with.


The lunch must consist of a whole grain bread sandwich which is easily digestible along
with pieces of tomatoes, carrot, juice (orange) and mayonnaise. It must be always kept in
mind that a standard of 666 calories is the best that is required in this phase of eating,
nothing more, not less.


At the day’s end, the dinner must consist of mainly dressing, the salad of choice along
with meat, starch and fruit in a standard proportion but not in excess. We must always
remember that intake of water is as important as taking food which will help us to reduce
belly fat more easily within a few days.

Last but not least

Having proper sleep and maintaining a healthy lifestyle along with proper exercise is
what we all should also focus on. A proper combination of all ingredients will effect and
increase the speed of our belly fat reduction on a whole. The exercise here holds a key
position and while training at the gym we must always take the help of our gym instructor
and make a chart to move forward and carry things forward.

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